Listen To ZyGee’s New Record ‘Dagbe Neva’

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ZyGee is known to create music inclined to make people look through rose-colored spectacles. And that is no different from his new release, “Dagbe Neva.” “Dagbe Neva” is actually a common expression used among Ewe-speaking folks across Ghana, Togo, and Benin, which means “may goodness come upon us.” Traditional leaders often use it during a consultation to ask God for protection, good health, long life, and everything good that comes with it. That adds up to prayer against the undesirable effects of poverty, barrenness, ill-health, and untimely death, among others.

In this case, he is acting as a traditional leader, requesting all the good things to come to him, his community, and his fans at large. When asked about the motivation for the song, he opined, “I got the idea from the current state of the world, battling with COVID, the war happening between some countries and all the economic downturns. If I were to be a traditional leader, I would be praying for my people, and here is the case, I am not one, so I chose to do that through my music. ” The Ghanaian-based musician has a knack for making music packed with passionate feelings and loaded with optimism, in a way that feels deliberate.

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