The Super Smash Bros, a brotherly DJ duo comprised of Muyi Fre$co and Noma Nomz, have just released their latest track “Distance” featuring Ria Sean. This upbeat amapiano production will have listeners dancing while still resonating with the heartfelt message of a long-distance relationship.
“Distance” showcases Ria Sean’s soulful vocals as she sings about missing her lover who is far away. Her delivery brings comfort to the listener, acknowledging the pain of being apart from someone you love. The Super Smash Bros’ production provides an exciting backdrop for Ria’s vocals, creating a song that is both fun and emotionally powerful.
As DJs, tastemakers, and facilitators, the Super Smash Bros has been making waves in the Boston music scene for years. Their latest track “Distance” showcases their production skills and ability to work with talented artists like Ria Sean.
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